Pricing Buildings in Star Wars (SW5e)

Fast & Accurate Pricing Buildings in Star Wars (SW5e)

6 months ago

Galactic Credits and Cement Blocks

Basic Pricing Buildings in Star Wars: Hey there, starry-eyed architects and bounty hunter real estate moguls! Ready to embark on a journey through the cosmic realms of construction pricing in a galaxy far, far away? Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the nitty-gritty of pricing basic buildings in Star Wars.

The Calculator!

1. Material Matters:

Let’s talk raw materials. Whether you’re building a humble moisture farm on Tatooine or a sleek apartment complex on Coruscant, the choice of materials can make or break your budget while pricing buildings.


Sturdy, reliable, and a staple in urban landscapes. Cost per square meter? Galactic Credits 500. Need that extra kick? Opt for premium Steel-infused cement for a 2x multiplier.


Perfect for that rustic Ewok village vibe. Galactic Credits 300 per square meter. Embrace the premium with Wroshyr wood for a 1.5x multiplier.

Scrap Metal:

Industrial chic, anyone? Galactic Credits 400 per square meter. Prototype buildings with salvaged starship parts? Double the fun and the cost.


A choice for the environmentally conscious builder. Galactic Credits 200 per square meter. Dilapidated huts have a certain charm, right?

2. Labor of Love:

Now, let’s talk about the hardworking hands behind the construction. The cost of labor varies across the galaxy, and different species have their own unique approaches.


Galactic Credits 50 per hour. For that premium touch, hire Mon Calamari artisans for a 1.5x multiplier.


Strong and efficient. Labor cost is negotiable, but cookies are a must. Prototype buildings? Add an extra box of cookies.

Droids:Pricing Buildings in Star Wars (SW5e) construction yard

Cheap and precise. Galactic Credits 30 per hour. Advanced buildings might require a sassy Type 7 Industrials with a 2x multiplier. (Or you could buy the Droids- Pricelist Here.)

3. Time to Completion:

Time is money, my friend. Consider the urgency of your project when choosing the right construction team.

  • Standard: 2 months
  • Fast: 1.5 months
  • Faster: 1 month
  • Dedicated speed: 15-20 days time
  • Leisurely: 4 months

4. Galactic Multipliers and Dividers:

Here’s where things get interesting with pricing buildings in Star Wars. Spice up your building project with these multipliers and dividers:

  • Premium: 1.5x
  • Prototype: 2x
  • Advanced: 3x
  • Legendary: 5x
  • Artifact: 10x

5. Materials’ Availability

Consider where you’re building. Materials can be scarce or abundant, affecting your final cost.

  • Forest (Wood): 0.8x standard cost
  • Desert (Scrap Metal): 1.2x standard cost
  • Urban (Cement): 1x standard cost
  • Swamp (Mud): 0.9x standard cost

So there you have it, folks! Your comprehensive guide to pricing buildings in the Star Wars universe. May the Force be with your construction endeavors, and may your buildings stand tall amidst the stars. Happy building! 🚀💫


2 Examples of Pricing Buildings:

Example 1: Ewok Standard Tree HousePerched among the branches, rustic round Ewok treehouse under construction. Very high up in the tree canopy. Include a wookie with a hammer. panoramic shot, golden hour, , western, wild west

Imagine this: You’re on the lush moon of Endor, surrounded by towering trees and adorable Ewoks. You decide it’s time to build a cozy retreat, an Ewok Standard Tree House.

  • Wroshyr Wood (Mostly Premium): Galactic Credits 450 per square meter
Labor (Wookiee artisans):
  • Galactic Credits 75 per hour (1.5x standard)
Time to Completion:
  • Standard Quality: 2 months
  • Premium: 3 months (1.5x standard time)
Multipliers and Dividers:
  • Premium Wood: 1.5x
  • Forest Wood: 0.8x

Total Cost: Galactic Credits 33,750


Perched among the branches, your Ewok Standard Tree House is a marvel of Wroshyr craftsmanship. The premium wood gives it a warm, inviting glow, and the skilled labor of Wookiee artisans ensures the structural integrity that can withstand the occasional storm. Your little forest haven is a testament to blending natural beauty with modern comfort. (Other Building types.)

Example of Pricing Buildings 2: Prototype Cement Droid Bar

Now, picture yourself on the bustling cityscape of Coruscant. You’ve got a vision – a futuristic hangout spot with a touch of droid sophistication. Enter the Prototype Cement Droid Bar. (Can also be used anywhere to improve droid moral.)Pricing Buildings in Star Wars (SW5e) droid bar


Steel-infused Cement (Premium): Galactic Credits 1,000 per square meter (2x standard)


Sassy Type V droids: Galactic Credits 60 per hour (2x standard) (Please consider the deslaver.)

Time to Completion:
  • Standard Quality: 2 months
  • Prototype: 4 months (2x standard time)
Multipliers and Dividers:
  • Premium (Cement): 2x
  • Advanced: 3x (for that cutting-edge design)
  • Urban (Cement): 1x (standard cost)

Droid Bar Total Cost: Galactic Credits 144,000


This sleek, prototype cement structure rises high above the cityscape, catching the glow of neon lights. Steel-infused cement gives it an otherworldly sheen, and the assembly line of sassy droids ensures precision in every curve and corner. Your Prototype Cement Droid Bar is not just a place to unwind; it’s a testament to the fusion of technology and style in the heart of the galaxy’s metropolis.


Pricing buildings here is the second attempt to give players and GMs an idea on how to price things in Star Wars games. Pricing Buildings in D&D regular is also available here.

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