F8 SW5e Campaign – 3rd Session, Scanning Planet Harris sulphur lake

F8 SW5e Campaign – 3rd Session, Scanning Planet Harris

7 months ago

After our wild shopping spree at the Ryoone Space Station, we zoomed back to continue our thrilling adventure – scanning Planet Harris! 🚀

Scanning Planet Harris

Armed with our Tier 3 ship scanners, scanning planet Harris, we delved into the art of planetary investigation, seeking out profit opportunities. Our scanners were so advanced that we could peek beneath the surface, scrutinizing the planet down to a few dozen meters and examining all aerial phenomena and fauna. Our focus was on:

– Listing all the flora (plants and plant-like life)
– Identifying every last bit of fauna, from animals to the quirky ones
– Spotting structures, both visible and cunningly concealedsulfur dragon
– Identifying potential surface mining opportunities

It was a three-week-long scanning extravaganza, but guess what? We struck gold! 🌍💰

The Sulphur Hot Springs

Among our findings were several hot springs, perfect for soothing spa treatments and some serious R&R. Naturally, we had to check them out! One particular spring stood out – an outdoor, well-aerated pool with a delightful 33 degrees Celsius temperature… absolute perfection!

While the biologics soaked in the tranquil waters, I entertained myself with my trusty scanner. Lo and behold, we stumbled upon what we affectionately named the Sulphur Dragon! A friendly and curious lizard adorned with Sulphur crystals. Their diet, exclusively tiny life fromImagining the Star Wars Galaxy: A Fanfiction Journey | F8 SW5e Campaign – 3rd Session, Scanning Planet Harris the pools, turned out to be highly toxic. We played with these delightful creatures, and Orin even got a few to dance to his tunes for a collector of oddities.

The Special Colorful Lizards

Our adventure didn’t stop there. Scanning planet Harris, we also uncovered several hundred colonies of unique lizards, resembling chameleons but with mind-blowing colors. Snagging 20 of them and a hundred of their eggs, we prepared for a lucrative sale. These vibrant reptiles inhabited a forest with a Sulphur lake (top image), making it easy for us to pump and harvest pure Sulphur.

But wait, there’s more! We stumbled upon a colossal creature dwelling in a subterranean structure… something we wisely decided to leave alone.

And the North Pole Cave Ruins

Heading to the exact point of magnetic north, we discovered an ancient structure buried underground. A 500-meter tunnel guided us to this enigmatic site. Despite our advanced scanner failing to penetrate its walls, the outline was crystal clear, and it appeared undisturbed from our aerial perspective. What secrets lay within this mysterious ruin? Only time would tell! 🗺️🕵️‍♂️




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Hey there!
I am Lambros, and I am a 48 year old TTRPG player and Career Coach.
I have been playing and DMing DnD (my DnD site: https://dnd-world.com ) since the early 90s, and in late 2023 I was introduced to SW5e.
Since then SW5e has become my new love, and I hope to start DMing there too!

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