space station sw5e f8 F8 is the name of my character in the 1st SW5e campaign I ever played.

F8 SW5e Campaign – 2nd Session, Visiting the Nearby Space Station

7 months ago

Our Wayfarer was bursting at the seams on our way to the nearest space station! 💼 High-end droid parts and computers from several downed ships filled our cargo hold, and we were on our way to repair our ship and reclaim our lives! 🚀

The Empty Space

As we soared beyond the planet’s atmosphere, deftly navigating the ionization currents in the ionosphere, we entered into high orbit. To our surprise, we had just bid farewell to a rogue planet—no sun, no moons, no rings, no celestial neighbors—nothing but the illusion of day and night within the “iono-storms” in low orbit. The realization sparked lively discussions among us, with the main topic being that this unclaimed planet could soon be ours! 🌌

We might just become planet owners! 🌍

space station sw5e f8

The Space Station

As we ascended to higher orbits, our scanners encountered less interference, revealing our unexpected location—between Riflor and Ryoone, way off course! Thankfully, Ryoone boasted a space station, and my scavenger yard memories hinted at a substantial scrap yard there. Off we went in search of the parts needed to fix our ship.

Upon arrival to the Ryoone space station, we were met with a cringy, slimy, and downright illicit trading station. Towering radiation emanated from a central pillar, and the station itself was a ragtag construction of several levels. Docking wasn’t cheap—150cr plus 50cr per day—but with no other choice, we paid the fee and disembarked with vivid images and descriptions of our wares. 💸

The Mercenary Guild

space station mercenary logo
SOI4 Logo

Our initial priority was to formalize our group, and in our naivety, we ended up shelling out an extra 200cr to incorporate SOI4, our mercenary and trader company. The 10% cut from jobs didn’t bother us; all we wanted was the no-questions-asked policy for registering our ship’s ownership.

We got registered, claimed our ship, and unofficially became owners of an unclaimed planet—we even named it Harris! 🏴‍☠️

r2 plus r2+ space station scrap yard

The Scrap Yard

Venturing into the station, and after a quick pit stop at the bar (for the biologics), we descended to the lowest level—the scrap yard.

There, we ordered essential parts for the Wayfarer and the missing container. A lucky find awaited us: a Tier III scanner, perfect for exploring the planet! 🛠️

Drawing on my earlier career, I sifted through heaps of junk, discovering a gem—a strange, large-headed orange prototype R2 unit.

Repairable and beyond the skills of the scrap droids, I bought it along with eight R2 droids marked for sale as “metal sold by the kilo.” These would become invaluable allies.

We sold a ton of scrap, unearthed a couple of treasures, and walked away with a hefty sum of credits! 💰

The Hut Connection

Our final destination in the space station was an infamous high-end bar run by a Huttese-speaking human, Elsa. She bought our last find—the two cases of high-end rum discovered in the captain’s quarters of a downed ship. It fetched us the highest price yet, leaving us with a few thousand more credits. 🥂


Disclaimer: As I recount these events on the space station, our bank accounts have too many zeroes for accuracy to matter. If you want to know how we struck it rich, buckle up—this campaign is just getting started! 🎉


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Hey there!
I am Lambros, and I am a 48 year old TTRPG player and Career Coach.
I have been playing and DMing DnD (my DnD site: ) since the early 90s, and in late 2023 I was introduced to SW5e.
Since then SW5e has become my new love, and I hope to start DMing there too!

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