F8 m1 t2 fate mace teetoo sw5e Campaign sw5e - First session, Marooned at the planet!

F8 SW5e Campaign – First session, Marooned at the lone planet!

7 months ago

My name is F8 M1 T2 (Fate Mace Teetoo), and I am a droid. (My character in a sw5e Campaign.)

Decades of toil

Once stuck in the monotony of a scrap yard, floating through the vastness of space, my days were spent scavenging from one pile of space junk to another. Life was dull but predictable until I stumbled upon a pirate ship on the brink of destruction. Little did I know, this encounter would thrust me into an intergalactic saga.

As fate would have it, the pirates returned just as I was knee-deep in salvaging their ship. A brawl erupted between them and the scrap yard owner, who conveniently shifted the blame onto me. Suddenly, I found myself shackled with slave bolts, forced into a new life aboard their battle-hardened spaceship, tasked with repairing its exterior during perilous battles. Terrifying? You bet.

Landing (?)

The turning point came when our pirate vessel embarked on a solo mission to a rogue planet’s orbit. In the midst of a catastrophic energy storm, the ship tore apart, and I, stationed in a torpedo tube, miraculously survived the crash, shielded from both the storm and the impact.

My newfound life on the planet started on a low note. Stranded with minimal energy and armed only with a small salvaged solar panel, I hoped for a miracle. That miracle arrived a year later when a lightning strike revitalized my solar panel. Energized and ready for action, I ventured into the forest, determined to reclaim civilization.

My First Friends! (Co-players in sw5e Campaign)

Surveying the crash sites, I discovered various crafts in different states of disrepair, but no signs of civilized life or surviving droids. That changed the day a nearly intact ship crashed nearby. Rushing to the scene, I found two survivors – a Codru-Ji named Ru and a Diathim named Orin. With my healing tech backpacks, we swiftly tended to their injuries.

United in our quest for survival, we commandeered a well-preserved Wayfarer ship, utilizing high-end equipment salvaged from the crash. After weeks of collaborative effort, we transformed the Wayfarer into a functional vessel with modified shields capable of withstanding the planet’s ionosphere. Loading up on valuable scraps, including computer parts, high-end equipment, partial droids, and an astonishing find – a holocron filled with mysteries awaiting unraveling in our upcoming campaign sessions.

The sw5e Campaign adventure had just begun.

F8 sw5e Campaign sw5e - First session, Marooned at the planet!

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