Introducing the Honored Matres' Stealth Armor: The Pinnacle of Protection and Elegance for Your Star Wars TTRPG Campaign

Introducing the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor: The Pinnacle of Protection and Elegance for Your Star Wars TTRPG Campaign

2 months ago

Greetings, fellow adventurers and Star Wars enthusiasts!

In the vast and diverse galaxy of our favorite tabletop role-playing games, finding the perfect balance between protection and subtlety can be a challenge. Armor that offers superior defense often comes with the downside of being bulky or drawing unwanted attention. But what if you could combine the best of both worlds? Enter the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor, a revolutionary addition to your Star Wars TTRPG campaign that promises unmatched protection while maintaining a smooth and elegant appearance.

What Makes the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor Unique?

The Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor is not just any piece of equipment; it’s a masterwork of advanced technology and design, crafted to look like a seamless, full-body dress rather than traditional armor. This sleek appearance allows the wearer to blend into sophisticated environments without sacrificing any of the protective benefits that high-grade armor provides.

Key Features of the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor

  • Superior Protection: Despite its elegant appearance, the Stealth Armor offers an Armor Class of 16 + Dexterity modifier, making it one of the most protective light armors available.
  • Damage Resistance: The armor provides resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks, ensuring the wearer can withstand even the fiercest combat situations.
  • Environmental Adaptation: Whether you’re venturing into the freezing cold of Hoth or the scorching deserts of Tatooine, the Stealth Armor has you covered. It includes advanced life support systems that regulate temperature and provide breathable air in any atmosphere, including underwater and in a vacuum.
  • Psychoactive Coating: The armor features a psychoactive coating that subtly influences those who see the wearer, granting advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks. This makes it perfect for negotiations, espionage, or any situation where a little psychological edge is needed.
  • Reflex Enhancers: Equipped with reflex enhancers, the armor grants a +2 bonus to Dexterity saving throws, allowing the wearer to react swiftly to danger.
  • Integrated Communication Suite: Stay connected with an advanced communication system that allows  communication with any creature within 1000 feet that has a communicator. Perfect for coordinating with your team or gathering intel on the fly.

Why Add the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor to Your Campaign?

Adding the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor to your Star Wars TTRPG campaign brings a new level of depth and strategy to your gameplay. Players can enjoy the benefits of superior protection without compromising on mobility or drawing unnecessary attention. The armor’s advanced features also open up new possibilities for role-playing, allowing for creative solutions to challenges and enhancing interactions with NPCs.

Whether you’re a Game Master looking to introduce a powerful new item or a player seeking the ultimate in defensive gear, the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor is an excellent choice. Its blend of elegance and functionality ensures that it will become a treasured asset in any adventurer’s arsenal.

The price for this armor is free for all Honored Matres, and for outsiders the price is death. Shopping is encouraged in other areas , see our pricelists here.

Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor Stats

Below is the stat block for the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor, ready to be integrated into your next adventure.

Armor Type: Light Armor
Armor Class (AC): 16 + Dexterity modifier
Weight: 10 lbs
Stealth: Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks (due to its non-armored appearance)
Rarity: Legendary
Requires Attunement: Yes

Special Features:

  • Superior Material: Crafted from an unknown material stronger than beskar, offering exceptional protection while maintaining a lightweight and flexible form.
  • Damage Resistance: Resistance to kinetic (bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing) damage from unenhanced (non-magical) attacks.
  • Environmental Adaptation: Provides a breathable atmosphere and temperature regulation. Immune to environmental hazards related to temperature and can breathe in any atmosphere, including underwater and in a vacuum.
  • Psychoactive Coating: Advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
  • Reflex Enhancers: +2 bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
  • Integrated Communication Suite: Communication with any creature within 1000 feet that understands at least one language and has a communicator.

Embrace the future of armor with the Honored Matres‘ Stealth Armor and take your Star Wars TTRPG adventures to the next level. May the Force be with you, always!

Ready to enhance your campaign? Check out the full stat block and integrate the Honored Matres’ Stealth Armor into your next adventure!

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Hey there!
I am Lambros, and I am a 48 year old TTRPG player and Career Coach.
I have been playing and DMing DnD (my DnD site: ) since the early 90s, and in late 2023 I was introduced to SW5e.
Since then SW5e has become my new love, and I hope to start DMing there too!

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