How to become rich in Star Wars? SW5e guide to the Holonet

How to become rich in Star Wars? SW5e guide to the HoloNet

6 months ago

Wanna Become Rich? Unleashing the Cosmic Commerce on Our Very Own Planet!

Hey there, intrepid spacefarers and economic enthusiasts! Guess what? We (F8 Campaign) recently stumbled upon an uninhabited rogue planet – you know, the kind that floats around in the cosmic wilderness without a care in the galaxy. What did we decide to do with this celestial jackpot? Well, brace yourselves for a tale of entrepreneurial greed and profit-hungry shenanigans!

Picture this: a barren expanse of trees, seas, rocks and space dust, untapped potential just waiting to be exploited. We put on our thinking caps (okay, more like snazzy space helmets) and decided to turn this forgotten celestial body into a hub of profit-making brilliance. And how do you ask? Drumroll, please… by building a datacenter!

The Plan to Become Rich!

Yes, you heard it right. We’re setting up the ultimate information hub, and not just any datacenter, mind you – one that stores and analyzes all the non-sensitive data of the HoloNet. Why? Because we’re spacefaring visionaries, that’s why! Now, let’s not get bogged down by the technicalities. We’re here to have fun, right?

Imagine our team of intergalactic data enthusiasts geeking out over mercantile and production trends. We’re not just riding the cosmic waves; we’re predicting them! From the latest trends in starship fashion to the hottest spice on the market, our datacenter is the go-to source for all things cosmic commerce.

The Why?

Now, let’s take a moment to poke fun at ourselves, shall we? Greed, my friends, is a powerful motivator. We may be interstellar entrepreneurs, but we’re not above laughing at our own insatiable desire for more credits. Who needs a moral compass when you can have a financial one, right?

As we embark on this journey of turning a rogue planet into a profit powerhouse, we can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Who knew that an uninhabited rock in the vastness of space could become the epicenter of cosmic capitalism? We certainly didn’t, but here we are!

So, fellow space adventurers who want to become rich, buckle up for a wild ride through the cosmos of commerce, where trends are analyzed, profits are maximized, and the only force we’re concerned about is the force of supply and demand. Stay tuned for more updates from our greedy little corner of the galaxy – because why settle for the stars when you can own the whole darn galaxy? May the credits be ever in our favor!

The How Much?

To set up our HoloNet datacenter on the uninhabited planet in the Star Wars TTRPG setting during the Old Empire era, we’ll need a few key components. Here’s our concise plan:

1. Secure the Location:

– Invest in planetary shields and cloaking technology to keep your research center hidden and secure. (Actually we did that in a more grand plan, but this was the minimum of the plan.)
– Cost: 50,000 credits.

2. HoloNet Datacenter Infrastructure:

– Purchase a state-of-the-art HoloNet datacenter with advanced encryption and security protocols.
– Cost: 150,000 credits.

3. Communication Array:

– Acquire a high-end communication array for seamless data transfer with the Republic (this will cost us more because of… complications).
– Cost: 30,000 credits.

4. Data Analysis System:Imagining the Star Wars Galaxy: A Fanfiction Journey | How to become rich in Star Wars? SW5e guide to the HoloNet

– Install a powerful data analysis system to process and analyze the aggregated data. This is the key to become rich!
– Cost: 100,000 credits.

5. Jedi Collaboration Support (or other powerful faction):

– Establish a liaison office for the Jedi faction on-site, ensuring smooth collaboration. We did this through good collaboration with their archeological endeavors.
– Cost: 20,000 credits.

6. Droids and Personnel:

Buy skilled droids to manage the datacenter and ensure its smooth operation.
– Cost: 50,000 credits.

7. Security Measures:

– Implement advanced security measures, including surveillance droids and a dedicated security team.
– Cost: 80,000 credits.

8. Networking and Outreach:

– Allocate funds for networking events and outreach programs to strengthen ties with the Republic. (This is a future plan.)
– Cost: 20,000 credits.

Total Estimated Cost to Become Rich: 500,000 credits

This setup should give you a robust HoloNet datacenter for non-sensitive data, allowing you to analyze trends and opportunities within the Republic. It also ensures a strong connection with the Jedi faction for collaboration. May the Force be with your research endeavors!


Proposed look of our Center: (Not built yet, but will be soon! We want to become rich!)

Imagining the Star Wars Galaxy: A Fanfiction Journey | How to become rich in Star Wars? SW5e guide to the HoloNet

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Hey there!
I am Lambros, and I am a 48 year old TTRPG player and Career Coach.
I have been playing and DMing DnD (my DnD site: ) since the early 90s, and in late 2023 I was introduced to SW5e.
Since then SW5e has become my new love, and I hope to start DMing there too!

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