rakata starmap star wars creations sw5e

Rakata Starmap Ruins SW5e

6 months ago

The story of us finding the Rakata Starmap, the Rakata consoles and much much more follows: (See more about our Campaign)

We ventured down a mysterious, sloping corridor, shrouded in darkness that even our scanners and communicators couldn’t pierce. The walls were made of a unique material, sturdy and perfect for covert hideouts. But enough about that!

Using a grappling cable from our ship, we stayed connected to the surface as we walked a half-mile to a sealed door. After some effort, I managed to open it, depleting half my energy, but the payoff was huge! The room inside was like nothing we’d ever seen!

Star maps and indecipherable inscriptions adorned the floor and ceiling. The walls depicted a Rakata ceremony, featuring beings with elongated heads, two eyes sticking out on each side, and four fingers on each hand. Yup, Rakata! A genuine Rakata chamber with a Rakata Starmap ! (story continues below the photo)

rakata starmap

Two maps, one on the floor and one on the ceiling, and at the opposite end, a mysterious door with no handles or details. We tried our best, but no luck. The Rakata starmap must be the clue…

Weeks later, we returned with a new ally, Darthi, an archaeologist with a knack for Rakata tech. With his expertise, we unveiled more secrets in the room.

At its center were five well-preserved consoles with untapped potential. The only hitch? The power source was off, and we had no clue where it was. Progress, but not without its challenges!

We also stumbled upon seven containers of supplies, perfectly suited for Rakata physiology. Darthi was fascinated, and there was more! The entire room was covered in ancient, dried-out vegetation. Our upgraded scanners couldn’t identify it, but we grabbed scans and collected the dust.

These remnants, along with the rations, fetched a hefty sum from the Jedi Council’s archaeologists.

I bet we’ll be back after uncovering the Rakata dark hole power center in the Unknown Regions. The adventure continues, unlocking the mysteries of the Rakata starmap across the galaxy! 🌌✨ May the Force guide our way.


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